Books and Products

These are books I recommend, products and services which I like and use. I may receive some form of compensation if you use these links.

Books for Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs

These are books which had an impact on my entrepreneurial journey, learning to put better operations in place, streamline product design and development and learning to sell.

An incredible introduction to real Strategy.

Understanding the change from early adopter clients to mainstream clients.

The book for EOS. Its not the only operations method, but I’ve had success with it across several companies.

The book for EOS. Its not the only operations method, but I’ve had success with it across several companies.

An incredible process for a 1 week product development sprint with user testing

This book is dense. It is a great introduction to how VC deals get done and how to think about them from both sides.

Products and Services I use and like enough to recommend

Founders Card

IF you are a small business owner, independent contractor or consultant, Founders Card gives you great rewards, discounts and access to services which will make your life easier and let you punch above your weight. I’ve saved at least 5x annually over the cost of the membership. Click here to learn more.

Bespoke Post’s Box of Awesome

A monthly subscription box that provides cool and fun tools, barware, and all kinds of other things around a theme with each box. I’ve used this on and off since 2012 and some of my favorite bags, pens and bar tools are from these boxes. Click here to check out some of the great boxes.

Keeper Security: Password Manager and Secure Storage

I’ve used keeper personally and across businesses for years. It makes PW storage, generation and sharing easy with teams and families.

Thrive Market

Thrive Market is basically healthy and quality focused online CostCo. I love the ability to shop by diet which helps me find great low carb snacks and staple foods.
Check them out here


Honey saves you money with as close to zero effort as you can imagine. Honey gold lets you earn money which you are shopping and saving money. There is no reason not to use it. Click here to sign up and install the extension.